仕様は The Wind 105.R is available with the R-800 wings or with the R-800/R-750 'WCP' combo. TheR-800 wings have a special profile, thick, with a lot of lift, really efficient in light and medium winds, to perform during the upwind and downwind runs. The small chord authorise big Vmax, to obtain the best VMG during your races.
The R-750 has been designed to reach the maximum speed in medium to high winds. Thin, small chord, they're really fast!
Supplied as a complete Hydrofoil with Mast/Fuselage and 1 Front, 1 rear foils (wings) Provided with: - R-800 front wing -Stabilizer V2 -Box screws Torx M6 60mm -Screwdriver Stanley Torx T30 -Tech specs: Shaft construction: Hollow technology Full Carbon Prepreg T700 + high module T800Fuselage construction: Monolithic Full Carbon Prepreg T700 & T800 Wings construction : Monolithic Full Carbon Prepreg T700. Front Wings R-800 width : 800mm Front Wings R-800 area : 752 cm2 Fuselage length: 885mm Mast Height: 1050mm Weight: 3.6kg est.Deep Tuttle Box Head.
非常に乗りやすく、 強風から微風まで二枚のウイングを使い分けて乗っていました。
多用していましたので、 写真の様に、 フロントウイング R750には裏面に小傷があります、
そして R800には 一部小さな欠けがあります。
他にですが、マストのトップの取り付けボルトが通るタイコっていうのですかね、 この部分に補修後(多分)があります。
以上気になるところは書きましたが、 性能的に全く問題は有りません。
発送ですが、 このR105はマストとフューサレ-ジの分解が出来ず、全体をプチプチで巻いて発送しますが、サイズ的に200サイズになってしまいます。
The Wind 105.R is available with the R-800 wings or with the R-800/R-750 'WCP' combo.
TheR-800 wings have a special profile, thick, with a lot of lift, really efficient in light and medium winds, to perform during the upwind and downwind runs. The small chord authorise big Vmax, to obtain the best VMG during your races.
The R-750 has been designed to reach the maximum speed in medium to high winds. Thin, small chord, they're really fast!
Supplied as a complete Hydrofoil with Mast/Fuselage and 1 Front, 1 rear foils (wings) Provided with: - R-800 front wing -Stabilizer V2 -Box screws Torx M6 60mm -Screwdriver Stanley Torx T30 -Tech specs: Shaft construction: Hollow technology Full Carbon Prepreg T700 + high module T800Fuselage construction: Monolithic Full Carbon Prepreg T700 & T800 Wings construction : Monolithic Full Carbon Prepreg T700.
Front Wings R-800 width : 800mm
Front Wings R-800 area : 752 cm2
Fuselage length: 885mm
Mast Height: 1050mm Weight: 3.6kg est.Deep Tuttle Box Head.
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ウインドサーフィン・中古品 - ウインドサーフィン(Windsurfing)・サップ(SUP)・ウイングフォイル(Wingfoil)の全国オンライン通販専門店です。・マリンスポーツ専門店|AWAS アワス 大阪・関西